Unique Types of Dog Food Bowls

Basic/Plain Dog Bowl: This is simply a plain dish or a bowl which serves as a dog food bowl. It may be made up of...

Zeutrin : A new product for Neutring animals chemically

Pet neutering/spaying is one of the main concerns for pet owners. With the uncontrolled increasing population of pets it was important to find an...

Teddy Bear Dog Breed

The teddy bear breed or Schion is a cross of two different pure dog breeds. The Bichon Frise and the Shih Tzu, such dog...

10 Most Popular Breeds Of Dogs

American Kannel club counts the number of registrations for each dog breed every year and then decides the popularity of dog breed. According to...
Expensive Dog Breeds

10 Most Expensive Dog Breeds of the World

Being a pet-owner is not a decision that anybody should take lightly, and especially with dogs, because they are an expensive animal to take...

Popular Pet Food Brands in Pakistan

Purina Food Here is a complete list of "Purina Foods" and you can buy it from Amazon. RUFUS Food Eukanuba A popular dog food brand from P&G. Nutrience Pet Food ...

What I Wish Everyone Knew About Dog Health Care Tips

I would like to share with you some dog health care tips in order to have a happier pet, and for instance, a happier...

PetMeHome – The Pet Adoption App

Last night I was exploring campaigns of Indiegogo to get an idea to start my own campaign, I gone through some pretty good ideas....
Best Treatments for Fleas in Dogs

Best Flea Treatments for Dogs

Only 3 species of fleas, out of more than 2, 200 species, are usually found in dogs. Interestingly, most common among them is “Ctenocephalides...

Top 7 reasons Why My Dog Won’t Eat?

It is so unpleasant that you are offering various types of dog foods & treats and your dog is simply rejecting. This can be...

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Exploring Where CBD Came From

Many pet owners are excited to try CBD oil but are still reluctant to because of its association with marijuana and all the surrounding...