4 Common Protozoal Diseases of Cats
Protozoa are single-celled organisms that are not visible to the naked eye but can be seen easily under a microscope. Protozoa are usually carried by...
Benefits Of Cat’s Exercise Wheel
Everyday new innovations are coming in and one of them is exercise wheel for cats. This exercise wheel for cats is the best solution for...
Popular Pet Food Brands in Pakistan
Purina Food
Here is a complete list of "Purina Foods" and you can buy it from Amazon.
A popular dog food brand from P&G.
Nutrience Pet Food
Cats spend 70% of their lives asleep
Its an accepted fact that cats spend their 2/3 life during sleeping. It's naturally common that predator animals sleep for longer periods during the...
Caring for Kittens: Tips for Raising Young Felines
It’s tiny, it’s fluffy, and it makes the sweetest little meows. You adopt that kitten right away, thinking it will be easy to raise.
Major reason of Bad Breath in Pets (Cats & Dogs)
If you think that it’s quite normal the your breath of your pet smells bad then clinically you are absolutely wrong. It’s not a...
Older Cats and Diet Changes
Think about human beings and old age for a moment. When a person grows old, they have to shift their lifestyle. From eating differently,...
Core Vaccines for Cats
Veterinarians, from all over the world, have divided vaccines into two type, one is core vaccines and other is non-core vaccines. There are many...
Vaccination In Pets
Why vaccination?
If you have a pet and want to have a safe relationship with your pet you must vaccinate your pet as soon as...
Farmina Vet Life – A Review
Day by day, post by post and review after review people around me have start believing that I’m promoter/distributor of Farmina Pet products products....