Unique Types of Dog Food Bowls

Basic/Plain Dog Bowl: This is simply a plain dish or a bowl which serves as a dog food bowl. It may be made up of...
Register your Dog for Emotional Support Animal Certificate

Register your Dog for Emotional Support Animal Certificate

Humans and animals have always been supposed to live together in harmony and take care of one another. This statement would be even more...

What I Wish Everyone Knew About Dog Health Care Tips

I would like to share with you some dog health care tips in order to have a happier pet, and for instance, a happier...
Farmina Vet Life

Farmina Vet Life – A Review

Day by day, post by post and review after review people around me have start believing that I’m promoter/distributor of Farmina Pet products products....

German Shephard Grooming Tips

Grooming a German Shepherd Dog  just needs time, care & patience. The level of grooming & time spent on grooming will depend on the...
Worst Things about Living with a Ragdoll Cat

The Worst Things about Living with a Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll cats have gained a reputation for being the most adorable cats and they are particularly affectionate. Hence, it is not surprising why you...

Zeutrin : A new product for Neutring animals chemically

Pet neutering/spaying is one of the main concerns for pet owners. With the uncontrolled increasing population of pets it was important to find an...

Pets & Animal Care Organizations in Pakistan

A a social media freak I can see the everyday increasing trend of rearing pets and adopting them by Pakistanis. Different societies and organisations...

PetMeHome – The Pet Adoption App

Last night I was exploring campaigns of Indiegogo to get an idea to start my own campaign, I gone through some pretty good ideas....

Garlic, Good or Bad for Dogs?

In many website, veterinary forums and in some reviews I have seen people are referring garlic as a wonderful herb for dogs. Indeed it...

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Exploring Where CBD Came From

Many pet owners are excited to try CBD oil but are still reluctant to because of its association with marijuana and all the surrounding...