Inheritance is the basic phenomenon of transferring of characteristics like genetic information, morphology, physiology and behavior from parents to their off springs.
Mitochondria is one of the most basic and necessary organelle of cytoplasm. It has the prominent role in electron transport chain and oxidative energy metabolism or in simple words it is the energy producing unit of the cell. Mitochondrial structure and molecular components of mitochondria are the major cause of their being important in the body.
Distribution of Mitochondria in the Body of Frog:
Cytoskeleton study reveals the science of distribution of mitochondria within the body of frog. According to molecular theory two microtubular proteins kinesin and cytoplasmic dynesin are involved in the movement of organelle. These proteins bind mitochondria and transport it during the process of mitosis. ATP is the source of chemical energy for the transport of mitochondria. Intermediate Filaments are also involved in inheritance phenomenon of mitochondria.

Fact About the Transfer of Mitochondria in Frogs:
Only mother frog is able to transfer its mitochondria into the offspring, as father’s mitochondrion undergoes ubiquitination process which degrades the mitochondria of father frog. So, information of mother’s mitochondria penetrates in the infant’s body.
Only mother frog is able to transfer its mitochondria into the offspring, as father’s mitochondrion undergoes ubiquitination process which degrades the mitochondria of father frog. So, information of mother’s mitochondria penetrates in the infant’s body.
Factors which can affect the transport:
- Disturbance in the cytoskeleton system
- ATP diminishes
- mutations
Study reveals that the transfer of organelle is ATP driven process and cytoskeleton plays major role in the inheritance as well as only mother is able to transmit its genetic organelle, mitochondria to its offspring.